Home Visits - Fourth Trimester Postpartum Support

Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology sessions from home are available to support new mothers and their new babies.

Fourth Trimester Support sessions are all about supporting mothers post-partum who may be struggling to get out of the house or too busy getting to know their newborns. It is common for a mother to book these sessions to begin her healing journey, and when ready, continue with chiropractic care in the clinic setting.

Sessions are available in Perth’s South of the River on Tuesdays, and Central Suburbs on Fridays.

Appointments can be performed on your bed or couch, in the comfort of your home.

From one mother to another, there is no judgement.

You don’t need to tidy up your house or apologise for the chaos, you don’t even need to get out of your PJs.

Please note - a call out fee is included, dependent on travel time/distance.