Gut Health Naturopath for Babies and Mothers - Michele (she does GAPS diet consults too)

As part of my Fearless Foodies program, I have created an online holistic clinic, with specialist naturopaths and nutrition consultants available to help mothers and their babies.

Today, I introduce you to Michele. She is a gut health naturopath (and if you’ve purchased the Fearless Foodies course, you might remember hearing her voice in one of the gut health interviews!).

Michele is an incredibly intelligent naturopath, with a passion for gut heath. If you need support with your gut, you don’t need to look any further!

In fact, Michele is an incredible GAPS diet practitioner in Perth, and if you’re looking for a GAPS naturopath who does Australia-wide online consults, you can also book via Fearless Foodies for this service too. (While we promote her as an expert baby naturopath, she is ACTUALLY the best gut health naturopath in all of Perth for all ages - but I might be biased!)

GAPS diet practitioner australia


Michele, tell us a bit about yourself!

My Mission = to be the best mum I can be to my 2 boys Cooper & Rafferty.

My Purpose = to make the world a healthier place.

My Qualifications = Bachelor of Naturopathic Science & 15 years of industry experience.

My Happy place = the ocean and I love being in nature as it grounds me.  You will often find me out walking with my Bordoodle dog “Duke” along with my kids.

I also enjoy cooking, yoga, swimming and reading as well as the company of good friends.


How did you get into naturopathy, in particular the gut health specialty?

I have always had an interest in health and personally sought out more natural options to everyday aliments. The interest in gut health came when my son Cooper was born with epilepsy.  It took multiple treatments and years of an intensive dietary and nutritional protocol called GAPS, to get his body back on track.  I am happy to shout to the world that these days he is epilepsy free and if I had not explored his gut health further it might be a different story today.  I am now hooked on paying this forward to helping other parents get their children on track. Food is fuel to the body much like petrol is to a car – putting the wrong thing in gradually breaks your’s and your car’s engine!


What is the most rewarding part of working with families to improve their gut health?

Seeing children thrive and reach their full potential.  The love we have for our kids is like no other and seeing them thrive is the icing on the cake.  Kids respond well to nutritional intervention and often what they crave can be a sign that their gut health is off track.


When it comes to gut development, what are the most common nutrition mistakes people make when introducing food to their babies?

Using rice cereal products as a first food.  Babies need vitamins and minerals from colourful vegetables and fruit not white foods

Bringing in dairy and gluten too soon.  These proteins are large complex molecules that required extensive digestion and can be the catalyst for gut issues if introduced and/or not prepared well.


What are some simple things parents can do when introducing food to their babies?

  • Aim for organic, home grown or minimally sprayed vegetables & fruits – small bodies only need trace amounts of toxins and chemicals to cause health issues and the cleaner your food is the better

  • Prepare foods well – cooking foods using stewing, pureeing and steaming methods increases nutrition and helps them to be digested easier

  • Patience – it can take children multiple times… think >10 times… of trying something before they begin to like it!  Don’t give up on the first attempt.

What is your favourite Fearless Foodies recipe for you and your family?

The bone broth, closely followed by egg & banana pancakes which I still make today with my children. Bone broth is such an underestimated gut health food. It has all the elements needed for maintaining & repairing your gut cells.

Let’s finish off with some simple hacks that mums can apply immediately.

What can mothers do while they are pregnant to improve the gut health of their babies?

Take targeted probiotics, your gut health = your baby’s gut health.  If there are certain health conditions in your family or you have gut issues yourself, using targeted probiotics during preconception and during pregnancy can be protective against the development of these in your baby.

What can parents do early on to improve their baby’s gut development?

As I mentioned earlier the cleaner your baby’s food is the better – stay away from chemicals, colours, preservatives & additives – we were not designed to eat them and have limited ability to process them. 

Finally, don’t be too much of a clean freak – babies need to explore and taste the world around them.  Disinfecting everything your baby comes into contact with reduces their gut bacterial diversity and numbers, as these agents are anti-bacterial.  The first years of a baby’s life determines the composition of their gut bacteria so in this case more exposure is better.

Want to know if Michele can help you? She is offering a complimentary 15 minute chat to new clients. Just click through to book yourself in.