The Vagus Nerve Tools Bundle

What happens when you are stressed, overwhelmed, fatigued or your nervous system is struggling? Do you reach for something that's not so good for you? Do you get tipped over the edge?

What if you had some simple coping tools that helped you feel better, regulate and only took a few minutes out of your day?

Introducing The Vagus Nerve Tools Bundle

This bundle includes two of my regulating tools that work perfectly together - the Vagus Nerve Library and the Nervous System Digital Journal.

These two tools when used in conjunction can help you regulate your nervous system and keep track of how you are going.

If you allow it, they will help you dive deeply into your daily nervous system regulation abilities, and work out the root causes of why you feel dysregulated. It can help you understand how your body and your emotions are linked, and make a compassionate plan to support your nervous system.

The Vagus Nerve Library

One of the most common questions I get asked is how to stimulate the vagus nerve. 

While there is so much work we can do on the vagus nerve, these exercises are a really good starting point - especially if you are not sure if your vagus nerve needs work or if your nervous system is out of balance.

Which is why I created this video series! 

These exercises will help you understand your nervous system and give you practical step by step instruction on how to stimulate your vagus nerve.

You can access the videos at any time and learn the techniques at your own pace. The exercises are simple and will only take no more than ten minutes out of your day.

What's included in the Vagus Nerve Library?

  • 13 videos featuring 10 nervous system exercises

  • tips on when to use each one

  • information on how you might feel after

  • advice on how to implement them into your life

  • practice diary PDF to record your progress

Learn tools to stimulate the vagus nerve and bring you back into a regulated state while also giving yourself compassion for where you're currently at (ie, repairing and regulating after ruptures - we are all human after all).

The Vagus Nerve Library is for you if:

  • You’re curious about the vagus nerve and want to learn more

  • You want to be more relaxed and regulated with a balanced nervous system

  • You’re worried about your energy, sleep or mood

  • You rather avoid medical intervention and take control of your health

    Watch the first introductory video for free to learn more about the Vagus Nerve Library!

The Nervous System Digital Journal

After years of working with clients on their emotional regulation, I wanted to share my favourite reflection tools. I created these journal/reflection activities as a way to support my clients.

I'm now sharing these journal prompts with you, so that I can help more people understand their nervous systems on a deeper level.

What’s included in the Nervous System Digital Journal?

  • 10 reflection activities to help you understand your nervous system

  • Ability to print these pages as you require, or use on a device if you prefer digital journal entries

  • Minimalistic design, so that we aren't taking away from the power of the inner work

  • The most powerful questions that I ask my clients, that create the biggest shifts

The Nervous System Digital Journal is for you if:

  • you are in burn out

  • you are struggling with chronic stress

  • you are wanting to understand yourself more

  • you are wanting to work on improving your nervous system function

On any given day, choose the activity that calls you the most, and start reflecting. Print what you like and create a little workbook. I've left dates to be marked, and pages digital so you only use what you need.

While I could have added additional 'self care lists', we all know what we SHOULD be doing to care for ourselves more. But when we are stuck in survival, it feels impossible. These reflection questions support you in moving from survival mode to regulated, and motivated to care for your mental and physical health more.

This is for PERSONAL USE ONLY - not for commercial use, or use with your own coaching clients. Please reach out if you would like to use these in your practice (and we can personalise them for you).

*Please note - results will vary, this is not medical advice, and we all have individual nervous systems that will respond differently on any given day, week, or month - you choose to try these exercises understanding this risk. The video series will give you clear indication of how your vagus nerve is functioning, BUT I can't promise to fix all your issues. There are many root causes to low vagal tone, but understanding your nervous system is STEP ONE in resolving those issues.