The Vagus Nerve and Your Health

Hey there, thank you for dropping by and learning more about the vagus nerve. Here is your vagus nerve checklist (and some extra value below too!).

Please scroll down further to see details on adults group coaching (if that’s why you’re here!)

What does your vagal tone score even mean?

High vagal tone = excellent stress resilience, generally great health, typically happy and well balanced

Low vagal tone = lowered stress resilience, lowered immune function, possibly more trauma (or the lack of ability to process experiences)

Keep scrolling down to learn more in the free webinar I’ve made for you!

Understand yourself on a deeper level

I know you’ve probably been wondering if I work with adults too [it’s my most common question tbh, because I speak so much about kids], and the answer is a wholehearted YES. I was once an adult with a vagus nerve issue, with nervous system dysregulation, and with nobody who understood. So I’m here to say where you are right now? It makes sense - and it will make SO MUCH SENSE once you’ve watched this webinar.

Take a watch / listen to my free webinar all about the vagus nerve and your health.


Did this webinar resonate with you?

I love helping people make things ‘click’, in terms of their health, or their experience of the world.

There is so much we can do to tend to our vagus nerve but I wholeheartedly promise it’s not as simple as adding in some vagus nerve exercises that you find on TikTok! If it were that simple, I’d be out of a job.

You’ll be receiving emails from me with more information on the nervous system, and I’d love to hear how you go with them!

And? If you’re wanting to jump straight into having support, you might like to keep scrolling and check out my flagship program to help you get started on your own vagus nerve function.

 Vagus Nerve for Optimal Health Group Coaching Program

A life-changing 6 week group immersive experience to know and understand you and your nervous system.

This program is all about you, learning how to work within your own nervous system’s capacity, to make steps towards healing.
You’ll receive the guidance to get clear on what is REALLY happening with your health, and the tools you need to apply to see changes in your nervous system state.

You’ll also learn how to put it altogether - vagus / stress / symptoms - all in one little bundle (that makes so much sense all of a sudden).

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 When you sign up for this group coaching program you receive:

  • Recorded lessons each week to watch (and rewatch!) whenever you need

  • Corresponding PDF guides for the weekly lessons, for the more visual/reading learners

  • 6 x 60min LIVE group coaching calls with Dr Carrie

  • A group chat thread to build a like minded community of online friends who are all rooting for each other

You’ll learn all about the vagus nerve, how it helps you experience the world, and what happens when it goes awry.

And of course, how to help yourself. 

Let’s look at the content in a bit more detail..

Week One - Learning what the vagus nerve does, the different types of nervous system responses, and the stress response in general. We will discuss this in terms of your health, as well as some reasons why you “got here”. Discover the power of self-awareness and how to hone in on it.

Week Two - Getting clear on our own nervous system state, and learning how to deal with noticing our triggers. Learn some more about our vagal tone, and what that means. This process can be quite eye opening and help you make shifts immediately.

Week Three - Learn tools to activate your vagus nerve and regulate your nervous system - These tools are designed to bring your nervous system into coherence and increase stress resilience.

Week Four - Downregulate the stress response - this goes hand in hand with upregulating the vagus nerve. Learn tools to do on yourself (quick and easy with maximum impact!).

Week Five - Learn STEP BY STEP why the order we do things in is SO IMPORTANT! Accessing your intuition, and shifting long-standing beliefs and patterns. This week we add extra layers (and while you might not be ready for it yet, you can access it when you feel ready).

Week Six - Tie everything together and create a plan for yourself moving forward. Using a specific protocol, learn how to make a plan for any issue or struggle you’re having.. Use this protocol any time you need to shift and reset, or when a new situation arises. This is where you learn how to apply these tools for a lifetime.

The tools and strategies I teach you during our 6 weeks together are designed to work with the nervous system for long term shifts in regulation.

Next round dates to be advised.

 You must be..

  • Ready to do the work

  • Prepared to be vulnerable within the safe community discussion

  • Prepared for things to unravel (and have support in place for if this happens)

  • Willing to accept that while some people experience healing miracles quickly, that the nervous system works best with slow and steady changes, and you will likely need longer than 6 weeks to see big shifts

This program is 6 weeks because..

  • It is designed to keep you accountable in creating new habits

  • It is packed with information that you can go back to, over and over

  • I know what it’s like to have chronic health issues and not want to commit to larger coaching packages, in case you have a flare up / life happens

Does this resonate? Then the Vagus Nerve for Optimal Health Program is for you!

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