What are the signs of nervous system dysregulation?

How do you know if your (or your child’s) nervous system is dysregulated?

This information isn’t necessarily mainstream knowledge, so check out some signs of dysregulation to see if you resonate.

A dysregulated nervous system may be your missing puzzle piece to a range of health issues you are experiencing.

Signs of a Dysregulated Nervous System

*Chronic fatigue or lack of energy

*Poor time management

*Feeling constantly confused

*Poor short term memory

*Feeling disconnected, like you don’t matter to anyone

*Meditation triggers anxiety or dysregulation


*Feeling unrefreshed no matter how much sleep you have

*Unable to set goals or have motivation to reach the goals you set

*Self-sabotaging behaviours

*Uncomfortable expressing your true emotions

*Lack of self-care

*Body feels like a lead weight

*Weight gain

*Sugar or carbohydrate cravings

*Excessive mood swings

*Sensory overload to everything

*Lack of physical fitness

How many of these did you check off? Did you realise it might be linked to your nervous system?

What now? You can check your vagal tone with my free checklists! This will give you some more information about how your vagus nerve is going.

And then if you need further support, have a look at some of my programs (find these under the EDUCATION tab) or you might like to work with me one on one! There is help available. Reach out via email if you are not sure what you need or where to start.
