Why do we struggle with procrastination and bad habits?

Are you struggling to do the things that you know will make you feel better?

Are you stuck in procrastination and find it hard to motivate yourself to practice good habits?

What this might look like for you:

  • Self-sabotaging with food / alcohol

  • Numbing out on Netflix or social media

  • Inability to socialise or engage with friends (even if deep down you want to)

  • Not cleaning your house often enough [whatever often enough means to you]

  • Not exercising, even if you know you feel good after

When we think about all the things we 'should' do to feel better, we are using our higher brain centres / thinking brain.

But? 90% of our behaviour is subconsciously driven by the state of our nervous system.

This is the balance between our vagus nerve, and our sympathetic activation ie our primitive brain [which reacts, and doesn't think].

Our survival state serves a purpose. And as much as we can use our rational brain to shame and guilt ourselves for what we do in these states…. it doesn't change our coping behaviours.

So we can think all we like - but it isn't going to change much of our behaviour.

What if we looked at these choices with compassion?

And with the notion that they serve a purpose? That they're serving you, while you are in the state you are in?

Instead of beating yourself up for 'not doing all the things I should'…. why don't you stop and acknowledge how far into the survival response you are?

And instead of pushing yourself to use will power to change your behaviour.. how about we just be gentle with our nervous system, and guide it towards safety?

And treat yourself with the same compassion you'd have for your grandmother!

Once you begin to move away from survival, doing the things that support your health will be much easier.