Signs your headaches are really migraines, and what to do about them

Migraine is a common disabling neurological disorder that affects around 1 in 6 women and 1 in 16 men. It commonly begins in your 20s, sometimes 30s, and occasionally occurs younger than that. Symptoms can present on a spectrum of ‘mild’ to ‘severe’ (I put these in inverted commas because all migraines are awful), with the most severe symptoms impacting quality of life dramatically. Alarmingly, studies show that around half of people that suffer from migraine have not actually been diagnosed, which means that they are probably not getting the best treatment available to them. Research indicates that unless you’re having 30 migraines a month (essentially one a day), there are things that can be done to support your brain and nervous system to reduce migraine frequency, if not resolve it.

Medication for migraine

Currently the available medications to treat and prevent migraines only work 50% of the time and unfortunately have a high number of side effects, and I’m sure because you are on a holistic health website you are searching for medication-free solutions. Considering this, it is not surprising that brain-focused treatment methods have come to the forefront of research, providing a safe and effective treatment option.

natural migraine treatment perth wa

Phases of Migraine (how to know it is a migraine rather than a headache)

While everyone is different, if you suffer from all 5 phases, it is best you get fully assessed for migraine.

Prodromol (early warning symptoms)

A large number of people experience ‘warning symptoms’ for up to 24 hours before a migraine attack. Symptoms can include:

  • Gut related: nausea, appetite changes, constipation, diarrhoea

  • Neurological: drowsiness, vision changes, dysphagia (difficulty finding the right words), sensitivity to light and sound, incessant yawning, thirst

  • Behavioural: changes in mood, hyperactivity, clumsiness, lethargy

  • Muscular: general aches and pains


Aura occurs in 20-30% of people experiencing migraines. Visual disturbances are the most common aura symptoms, these can include bright zig-zag lines, flashing lights, focusing problems and blind spots. Aura symptoms can also include changes in sensation or speech.

Headache (severe)

The headache can last up to 3 days, is usually one-sided and throbbing in nature and aggravated by movement. The most common symptoms that accompany the headache are nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, smell and noise. Often going to sleep will help reduce the length of the headache, and many feel that they wake up without a headache (though still feeling seedy). Others can abate a headache phase by forcing themselves to vomit (not recommended by me, but I have many clients who have said this is what they do).


Eventually the migraine attack will come to an end. Sometimes people don’t start to feel better until after they have been sick and for others not until they have ‘slept it off’.


Many people feel quite fragile and drained after an attack and it can take a day or so to recover. You can continue to feel sensitive to light and sound (in fact, many people who experience migraines are constantly sensitive to light and sound), and possibly some nausea or a general unwell feeling.

What causes a migraine?

Migraine is thought to be caused by a complex interaction between genetics and environment which create dysfunctional networks in the central nervous system. It is well documented that changes in motor cortex excitability play a pivotal role in the functional changes in the brain that occur in migraine.

There is anecdotal evidence to suggest there is a neurological link between the jaw (TMJ) and migraines. In the presence of the right (or wrong!!) genes, TMJ dysfunction, stress and inflammation, the risk of migraine increases exponentially.

In my practice, I work alongside migraine sufferers to overcome structural imbalances, inflammation, and stress, with the goal to reduce migraine frequency and severity, if not resolve it altogether.

migraine specialist perth wa

Migraine Triggers

Research has identified various factors that increase the likelihood of a migraine attack. It is important to investigate triggers that are individual to each person. These factors are varied and include:

  • Foods containing amines such as chocolate, cheese and dairy, citrus, caffeine, alcohol, pork, seafood, onions, wheat

  • Fluctuations in blood sugar (skipping meals)

  • Dehydration

  • Bright lights, loud noises, or strong smells

  • Too much or not enough sleep

  • Hormonal changes

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Changes in weather/environment

  • Foods containing additives such as MSG, nitrates/nitrites

Migraine prevention tips

A daily migraine diary including food, drink, activities and emotions can be a very useful tool for identifying patterns and triggers. Some additional tips to help are:

  • Drink water (and lots of it!)

  • Eat well. A healthy diet is important

  • Be active! Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise every day

  • Find ways to manage /prevent stress such as mediation and biofeedback

  • Ensure sufficient quality sleep (8hrs a night on average)

If you are doing most of these things (which most people who suffer from migraines are!), it is best to work with a practitioner who has strong knowledge in migraine physiology and TMJ dysfunction.