Expanding Your Window of Tolerance: The Vagus Nerve and Therapy Connection

When I added a somatic therapist to my online team, there was some confusion about how it relates to the vagus nerve. And how Ashleigh would be able to support your nervous system through therapy. So today I’m sharing a little more about therapy, the window of tolerance, and the vagus nerve. Let’s connect the dots so you can get the support you deserve!

Expanding Your Window of Tolerance: The Vagus Nerve and Therapy Connection

In recent years, the vagus nerve has gained recognition for its crucial role in regulating the body's stress responses and overall wellbeing. Everyone is talking about how you can stimulate your vagus nerve and abolish all your mental health conditions.. (ok I exaggerate but I know you know the videos I’m referring to!). But it is undeniable, that understanding how to support your nervous system can lead to significant improvements in mental and physical health. One effective way to enhance vagal tone and increase your window of tolerance is through therapy, which in our therapist Ashleigh’s work integrates arts therapy, meditation, EFT tapping, and somatic awareness.

Now you might not even understand what all these things are. Or perhaps you think “I don’t need a therapist for my stress”, or “I have tried meditation and it doesn’t work”…

The beauty of a somatic therapist is they work with your BODY. This is different to talk therapy (though there is talking involved!). And this is why I invited Ashleigh to support you in your stress responses from a body perspective. Which fits perfectly with the vagus nerve.

The common thing I see in my practice is that I can use bodywork to get your vagus nerve back ‘online’, but you still need to process, to listen to your body, and to support your nervous system in learning how to regulate yourself. Otherwise you will just burn yourself out and need me once again. Having a somatic therapist on my team means that you need less bodywork, you gain more resilience as stressors arise, and you well and truly expand your window of tolerance.

In this blog post, I’m going to provide you with overviews of the vagus nerve, window of tolerance, and some of the tools Ashleigh uses in her online therapy sessions, so you can understand why oh why she’s working alongside me.

What is the Vagus Nerve?

The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body, extending from the brainstem to the abdomen. It is a key component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which governs the body's rest-and-digest activities. By influencing heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate, the vagus nerve plays a pivotal role in calming the body after stress. Want to know more about it? Well you’re in the right place.. the vagus nerve is my most favourite nerve.

Understanding the Window of Tolerance

The window of tolerance refers to the optimal zone of arousal where a person can function effectively and manage stress. When within this window, individuals can respond to life's challenges with resilience and flexibility. However, traumatic experiences or chronic stress can narrow this window, making it difficult to handle stressors without becoming overwhelmed (hyperarousal) or shutting down (hypoarousal).

The Role of Therapy in Expanding the Window of Tolerance

Working with a somatic therapist can significantly help in expanding your window of tolerance and enhancing vagal tone.

Somatic therapy focuses on the connection between the mind and body, emphasising body awareness as a pathway to healing. By paying attention to physical sensations and movements, clients can start to notice how their body responds to stressors, and use tools to regulate DESPITE the stressor. It also teaches you to notice when your stress response has escalated very quickly, and use somatic tools to recalibrate your system back into regulation. Remember, stress is never the enemy, but being stuck in nervous system dysregulation can lead to chronic stress symptoms. Somatic therapy will support you in processing and releasing stored trauma, because the larger your window of tolerance, the safer you feel. This form of therapy helps in developing a more attuned and regulated nervous system.

Arts Therapy

Arts therapy uses creative processes like drawing, painting, and sculpting to explore emotions and experiences. This non-verbal form of expression can bypass mental defenses, allowing deeper issues to surface and be addressed. This might seem overwhelming to someone who isn’t into art, or doesn’t feel creative, but let me tell you the way Ashleigh does this is phenomenal, and her goal is to keep you within your window of tolerance (so you won’t feel like it’s another stressful thing you need to do).


Meditation practices, such as mindfulness and breathing exercises, are powerful tools for enhancing vagal tone. These techniques encourage relaxation and presence, helping individuals shift from a state of stress to one of calm. Regular meditation can increase heart rate variability (HRV), a key indicator of vagal tone, and improve the ability to stay within the window of tolerance.

Feeling worse with meditation? You will LOVE Ash’s free meditation here. Give it a go and let us know how you go!

EFT Tapping

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping involves tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on emotional distress. This method helps to reduce the intensity of negative emotions and has been shown to lower cortisol levels, the body's primary stress hormone. By calming the nervous system, EFT tapping supports vagal tone and helps maintain emotional balance. Learn more about it here.

Working with a therapist for your vagus nerve and stress response

Supporting your vagus nerve through therapy can lead to profound improvements in how you handle stress and emotional challenges. In combination with the physical work that can be done to improve your vagal tone, this combination is a force to be reckoned with.

While I cannot do my physical work online, Ashleigh is able to provide therapy for you online, meaning you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to start accessing support.

Whether you feel like you’re in a chronic stress pattern, or have specific traumas you’d like to resolve.. or perhaps a new diagnosis of adult ADHD or adult autism, Ashleigh is a highly experienced therapist who will be able to support your nervous system needs.

At our online clinic, we are dedicated to helping you harness the power of the vagus nerve through personalised therapeutic approaches. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can support your journey towards a balanced and healthy nervous system.