What is EFT Tapping?

EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Technique, or simply tapping, is a psychological acupressure method that our resident tapping facilitator (and art therapist) Ash uses for enhancing emotional wellbeing and overall health.

In a world where we are celebrated for how stressed and busy we are, and where we don’t have time to stop and check in with our feelings (or our bodies), prioritising our emotional wellbeing can be shamed and put at the bottom of our ‘to do’ list.

However, in my practice - both clinically and my online coaching practice - I see the pivotal role emotional health can play in physical health, symptom expression, and overall nervous system regulation. In fact, sometimes emotional triggers and conditioning can be the sole thing that is holding people back from their ideal nervous system regulation.

You can have the ‘perfect’ diet and lifestyle, and still face emotional barriers to your nervous system regulation abilities.

We believe the nervous system has an innate capacity for regulation, healing and wellbeing - if only we place it in the right environment to do so. Remember, our nervous system is only responding to its current environment, be that physical, emotional, or spiritual.

The trickiest part with emotions is they can play on a feedback loop, rearing their heads in similar environments to your past. And this can make it difficult to get off the emotional reactivity cycle.

EFT Tapping - How it works

The human body functions like a complex network of electrical circuits that travel along specific channels known as energy meridians. These meridians have been utilized in traditional acupuncture for over 5,000 years to address both emotional and physical ailments.

EFT harnesses these very same meridians, but instead of using needles, it employs a gentle tapping technique with your fingertips on specific points of the upper body while focusing on a particular issue, whether it's related to a specific event, a physical discomfort, or any other specific concern. During the tapping process, you express and acknowledge the negative emotions associated with your issue before shifting to positive affirmations.

The combination of tapping on these energy meridians while articulating your emotions works to clear emotional blockages from your body's energy system. This, in turn, contributes to the restoration of your body's natural healing abilities, which are essential for maintaining optimal health and overall well-being. Just like fixing a short-circuit in an electrical system, tapping is akin to repairing disruptions in your body's energy flow.

Why choose EFT Tapping as an emotional regulation tool?

What sets EFT apart is its accessibility. You can use this technique on your own every day, at any time. As you apply the method to your own body, you regain control over your well-being, putting the power to heal in your hands.

All of the practitioners in my team abide by this philosophy. We want to empower you to have the awareness and ability to regulate your own nervous system - whether physical or emotional.

If you’re reading to start your tapping journey, we have group sessions available as well as 1:1 online sessions with Ashleigh. Whatever support you prefer, we have it available.